Johnson County Alerts: The State of Iowa & Johnson County will replace its current Alert system on July 1, 2021. You should register a new account to continue to receive weather & emergency alerts. With this switch, residents will have access to new features and can create one user account for their whole family including multiple addresses.
JCENS is a mass notification service service provided the State of Iowa. JCENS gives Johnson County the ability to send out mass notifications regarding emergency or general events. These messages can be sent to specific locations or county wide. Residents can also select to receive weather warnings on their mobile phone. This is a free opt-in service available to all Johnson County residents.
There are three ways to signup to receive alerts.
- Create a profile and sign up for Johnson Alerts here.
- Download the Smart911 app available in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
- Text JohnsonIA to 67283.
To learn more please visit